In the film Gitta
Mallasz, ou le scribe des anges (Gitta Mallasz, the angels’ scribe) Gitta shows to Michel Cazenave the black
notebooks that
she took with her when she fled to France in 1960:
Michel Cazenave: How many books?
Gitta Mallasz: Oh, I keep a dozen in a small case.
MC: On the cover you have a circle, on others there is a triangle ...
GM: That one is Lili’s, that one's mine - my sign is the sun. This is
my second
book. Like kids ... This is Lili’s second book, Lili's third book, this
is my
fourth book, because the yellow circle is the sign of the sun.
MC: What is written in here, is it the exact transcript?
G.M: The transcript of what
we heard. One
time Lili was making notes of my dialogue, another time I was noting
down Lili’s,
so that the one talking with her angel was not distracted by the
Later on, we have tidied up the format a little, underlined with blue
what the
angel said and with red what the person said. These 50 years old
notebooks are
the basis of all the books - twenty books - which I am not the author
of, but
the scribe.
These notebooks should all have been destroyed, but Bernard Montaud
whom Gitta had
nominated as her sole legatee, did not completely follow the
instructions she had
given him shortly before her death. He kept one as a
proof, the
first, which contains dialogues 11 to 19 with Lili, copied
out by

Dialogues with Lili, notebook
I. The inverted
triangle is Lili's sign.
(Talking with angels,
p. 90).

Excerpt from dialogue 11
with Lili
(Gitta Mallasz notebook : Lili I)
Complete copy of Gitta's notebook :
dialogues with Lili I
on the above link to play slideshow
(Courtesy of Bernard Montaud)
Table of contents:
Correspondance with the english
1-3 |
Excerpts from
dialogues 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 with Lili |
Friday, 3 September, 1943 |
Dialogue 11 with Lili (67) |
5-9 |
10 September, 1943 |
Dialogue 12 with
Lili (73) |
10-16 |
17 September, 1943 |
Dialogue 13 with
Lili (79) |
17-26 |
24 September, 1943 |
Dialogue 14 with
Lili (89) |
27-36 |
1 October, 1943 |
Dialogue 15 with
Lili (99) |
37-43 |
8 October, 1943 |
Dialogue 16 with
Lili (107) |
44-51 |
15 October, 1943 |
Dialogue 17 with
Lili (114) |
52-61 |
22 October, 1943 |
Dialogue 18 with
Lili (121) |
62-70 |
29 October, 1943 |
Dialogue 19 with
Lili (130) |
71 |
The archangels
Gitta had also hand-copied the last three teachings on
sheets of
peel paper. The text is arranged on two or three columns and
illustrated with diagrams: